The Best 5 Recycling Activities for Preschoolers

The Best 5 Recycling Activities for Preschoolers

What are recycling activities for preschoolers? What is recycling? Why is it important for students to learn how to recycle? How can you prepare an effective lesson with recycled materials as a kindergarten teacher?

Global warming has been a more serious threat to our world every day. That is the reason why recycling activities for preschoolers are very important. Those kinds of activities help young students, who are our future, to be more conscious about Earth, its problems, and what is at stake.

Why Are Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Activities for Preschoolers Important?

Reducing, reusing and recycling activities for preschoolers are usually associated with Earth Day. However, it should be more than that. On these days, when mother Earth is losing its sources, it is essential to teach children why it is important to reduce, reuse and recycle. Teachers know that it is more likely to form a habit if you are young.


Here are the best 5 recycling activities for preschoolers listed for you.

1- Doing Your Own Puzzles

Every source is deserved to be saved. Paper is one of the sources that should be protected. Having students do their own puzzles is a way to do it. You can have your students to follow the steps below to do one of the best recycling activities for preschoolers.

  • Get an empty cereal box.
  • Cut it in pieces so that the pieces look like puzzle pieces.
  • Put the pieces in a container.
  • Enjoy as you like.

2- Donating What You Do Not Use

Another one of the recycling activities for preschoolers is to donate what one does not use or does not need. As it is said, someone’s trash is another one’s treasure. As a teacher, you can encourage your students to donate what they do not use or need. As they grow up, they will have a lot of books, clothes and toys to spare. They can share them with other children, not only with the ones who need, but also the ones who do not want to waste the sources of Earth.

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3- Organizing A Recycled Art Exhibition

If you want to teach kids how to recycle and also have fun while doing recycling activities for preschoolers, you can create a recycled art exhibition after they finish their projects. You can ask them write invitation letters for their parent, find a theme for their exhibition, decide on day and time. So, they can keep learning while they are brainstorming ideas. It is another perfect activity for them to run the whole show.

4- Making A Bird Feeder

Instead of buying a bird feeder, it is always best to build one. And it is not difficult at all. You can follow the steps below if you want to do this one of the best recycling activities for preschoolers. This activity is also a sensory play, and help kids to improve fine motor abilities.

  • Have your students go out and find branches.
  • Then, form groups of four.
  • Give students a long piece of cloth.
  • Encourage them make a bird feeder by using those materials.

5- Having A Recycling Center

Having a recycling center in your classroom is a brilliant idea. You can store all the left- over materials, put them in boxes, and reuse or recycle them whenever you can. You can even work with your students to put them in alphabetic order. So that you can find what you are looking for easier. It is one of the best recycling activities for preschoolers of all times. You can store every day crafts, egg cartoons, cardboard boxes, and free printable coloring pages there.

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