How much is Google Suite per year ? What is Google Suit ? Is Google Suit the same as the Google Workspace ? Which tools can be used in the Google Suite account? If you are an employee or employer in a workplace, you should hear the name of the Google Suite or Google Workspace. Thanks to its rich tool library, the business world has increased its creativity and quality. So, what is Google Suite ?
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What is Google Suite?
Google suits, also known as Google workspace, is an application library that makes the working process much more efficient for business owners and employees. Both functional and practical, Google Suite is a suite of applications designed by Google for businesses and employees. When you sign up for a Google Suite account, it gives you access to Gmail in your preferred space and 30GB of Google Drive storage per user. So, how much is Google Suite per month?
How Much is Google Suite Per Month?
The answer to the question of how much does google g suite cost is frequently asked questions by the business administrators. You can buy four different Google Workplace price plans according to your business sector and company’s needs named as Google Suite Business Starter , Business Standard , Business Plus, and Enterprise.
While there are certain cost offers in the first three price models, you should contact the Google Workspace sale managers for taking an offer for your company. At this point, you should not forget that you will receive a price offer according to the Google Workspace apps you choose for your suit model.
1 – How Much is Google Suite Per Month in the Business Starter Model?
If you choose the first cost offer, in the Business Starter model, you should pay 6 dollars per month. In this price model, you can use so basic Google Suit Applications in your company. For small companies, this model can be enough.
100 participants can attend a video call-based meeting at the same time in this coast model. Each person in the company will have a secure business email address. There is also 30 GB cloud storage for each employee in the Google Suit Business Starter module.
You can attend many video meetings per month and use Google cloud accounts for file sharing and saving in your company. There are also security and management control applications in your Google Workspace application. All these beneficial features and components of the price model are enough for a company that has at most 99 employees.
2 – How Much is Google Suite Per Month in Business Standard Model?
The Google Suite Business Standard price model has some extra features from the previous one. You can take in part of a video call meeting with 149 people at the same time by using the Google Workspace Standard model. Your data also in under the guarantee of the data loss prevention application of the suit.
You can take support about Google Workspace tools whenever you want with this model. You can use Microsoft Office 365, Google Meet tools, Cloud Search Applications, and a 2 TB cloud storage field per user.
3 – How Much is Google Suite Per Month in the Business Plus Model?
You can use the G Suite Business Plus pricing model if you have at most 250 employees. Because the maximum participants limit of the video call-based meetings is 250 in this offer. You will have a 5 TB cloud storage field user per packet. The users can achieve the Google Workspace Support advisers for their technical needs. How much is Google Suite is that 12 dollars per month in this model.
4 – What is the Google Workspace Pricing in Enterprise Model of Google Suit?
There is also a fourth coast price model for the larger and corporate companies in the Google Workspace world. You can take a special offer for your company’s features and standards.
5 – Can You Use G Suite Free? How Much is Google Suite ? What is Google Drive Pricing ?
There is also a G Suite free trial opportunity for those who want to try the suit applications. If you want to try the quality of the suit, you should sign up for a free Google Workplace trial. You can select a proper model for trying in the application process. You can also take cost offer about the Google drive pricing in the same websites.
Apply the G Suite Free Trial Model
In addition, many of the best online education degree program owners prefer to use Google Suite applications for moderate the distance education proceses in these days. To sum up, if you want to use all these useful applications with small prices, you should visit the Google Workspace website.