The Most Important Points of Early Childhood Special Education in 4 Steps

The Most Important Points of Early Childhood Special Education in 4 Steps

Do you think that early childhood special education needs more importance in society? Is it really deserve more interest or is it enough? Every child has to  have the equal rights. So, early education for special children also has to be accepted important.

Early childhood special education makes it easy to follow the development of a child easily and correctly. Each child has distinct needs for their education. So, early childhood education gives a clue about their future. Shall we focus on the importance of early childhood special education?

What are the Most Important Points of Early Childhood Special Education?


Early childhood special education is so important that you can be aware of the difference between an early educated child and the others. Because, the children who gets early education has a rapid development, because the education steps makes them more concious about their environment.

So early childhood special education has such an important impact on special children that it shouldn’t be neglected. Because they need more interest in terms of their intellectual, social, emotional and physical development. There are early childhood special education services in the countries which regulates these developments.

1- One Of  the Important Point of Early Childhood Education: Intellectual Development

Intellectual Development

Early childhood special education helps the intellectual and cognitive development. These words mean that when a child gets these developments, they easily identify the World and the evironment easily. Indeed, it means that they have sense of growth of a child’s thinking and reasoning. Everybody follow the early childhood special education articles to be aware the details about early education.

There are four levels of Intelectual Development:

  • Mild,
  • Moderate,
  • Severe,
  • Profound.

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Intellectual disability is also known as intellectual developmental disorder. It is a neuro-developmental disorder characterized by in edequate intellectual functioning like reasoning, planning, judgement, abstract thinking, academic learning and experiential learning.

Tips for Parents:

  • Firstly, accept and search about intellectual disability.
  • You should be patient and hopeful.
  • You should encourage your child to be independence.
  • You should regularly give your child a role of chores.
  • You should give your child frequent feedback, mostly greeting.
  • You should find out your child’s learning skills at school.
  • You should let your child to find opportunities in your community for social activities.

2- Physical Development

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Early childhood special education should contain the physical education also. Mostly, disabled children need also physicals education besides other educational issues. It is very important to reinforce them to have physical activity like horse riding, swimming and gymnastics etc.

Early childhood special education programs not only helps them to strengthen their body, but also disabled part of their body. In terms of International journal of early childhood special education, physical education is important for fine and gross motor skills, focus and thinking skills of early child development. Thanks to physical education, we see the importance of early childhood special education. Children feel more confident and they become more active in their daily and future life.

3- Emotional Development

Early childhood special education

Early childhood special education

Early childhood special education is also important in terms of emotional development. According to the early childhood special education resources; emotional develeopment in the early life of children improve the mental health by means of experience life, regulate emotions and express their feelings and emotions clearly.

These aspects also effect their relationships with other children and adults around them. It also effects their exploring environment and learning skills.

Tips for parents to promote young children’s social and emotional health:

  • Teach them to be usually in a positive mood.
  • Teach to understand others’ emotions and show empathy.
  • Teach to express wishes and preferences clearly.
  • Teach to have close relationships with caregivers and peers.
  • Teach to care about friends and show interest in others.
  • Teach to recognize, label, and manage their own emotions.
  • Teach to listen and follow directions.

4- Last Important Point of Early Childhood Education :  Social Development

Social Development of Early childhood special education

Early childhood special education helps special children to improve their social developments. When the children are a part of the social life, they began to learn taking turns, playing with friends, helping people and cooperation.

These part of life reinforce the recognizing ability and understanding people and their feelings and reasoning. Their relationship improves and they have a lot of experiences about life.

Special education professionals, special education teachers tries their best for public health. Public schools has to have a special education teacher for special needs of disabilities. State education agency should provide school equivalancy for student in distict childhood programs.