What are the Best 3 Adult Learning Styles?

What are the Best 3 Adult Learning Styles?

What are the best three adult learning styles ? What do we know about adult learning? If you are an adult who wants to pursue your learning, this may be the question that you need the answer to.

Unlike children, adults learn consciously. They are motivated to learn. They are aware of their responsibilities and actions in the learning process, and they connect learning with their experiences. When you think about the best three adult learning styles you should focus on these certain situations.

How do Adults Learn? Can a Document on How Do Adults Learn PFD be Found?


Before digging into the best three adult learning styles, you should focus on how adults learn. Adult learning happens in many ways contexts because as said earlier, they bring out their experience into learning. What are those contexts?

  • Formal: An education takes place at a school or institution
  • Non-formal: An education planned by an institution but not considered as credit.
  • Informal Education: An education one has along the life related to family, friends, work, etc.

There are many studies done on how adults learn. It is indicated that there are three main domains on adults learning: cognitive(knowledge), affective(belief), and behavioral (practical application).

1 – What are the 4 Types of Learning Styles?

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Basically, there are 4 types of learning styles including the best three adult learning styles: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. They are also known as VARK in short. These learners focus on different ways of the teaching process.

  • Visual Learners: These are students who internalize information when it is displayed in a graphic of meaningful symbols. They find it easy to learn when they work on arrows, charts, diagrams, and tables. Visual does not have to be related to photos or videos.
  • Auditory Learners: These students are also known as the aural. They can learn easier when they have the chance to hear information. In the class, they may not be seen as one of the best participants, because they do not take notes or comment on the information. However, they do it to maintain their auditory attention.
  • Reading/Writing Learners: These are students who like to work on reading and writing. These students need a printed version of the information such as handouts or whiteboard presentations. They also need written assignments to get the chance to write what they have learned.
  • Kinesthetic Learners: These are the ones who want to be a part of every step of the learning process. They like to be physically active. They are also known as tactile learners because they need all their senses engaged in the process.

2 – How to Identify Learning Styles


While you are searching for the best three adult learning styles, you should know how to identify your learning style. There are serious of things you can do about it.

  • Observe yourself. See what you like to do when you are presented a piece of information.
  • Try different styles and test yourself to observe which way helps you most.
  • Take a quiz online. There are some websites that offer quizzes to help you find your learning style.

3 – Best Practices for Teaching Adults


In 4 learning styles, it is said that the best three adult learning styles are visual, aural, and kinesthetic. While preparing a lesson for adults, we need the consider the best three adult learning styles. Besides the best three adult learning styles, there are some other issues you should keep in mind:

  • You should find out the motivation of your adult student
  • You need to know how they process information
  • You must know that they have a desire to share their skills.

4 – What are the Principles of Teaching Adults? Can a Document on Principles of Teaching Adults PDF be found?

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By knowing the best three adult learning styles may help you build some principles. The principles you have will support you on your journey of teaching adults. Here are the top three principles:

  • Adults are motivated to learn. They take their responsibility of learning.
  • They know how learning works. They know there are different learning styles. That is the reason why they can focus on the best three adult learning styles.
  • They can connect the preferred learning with their experiences and observations during training.
  • Keeping the best three adult learning styles in mind will help you to build your own principles.

5 – Learning Style Activities for Adults


Once you get the understanding of the best three adult learning styles, you can look for some learning style activities for adults. Before going into the examples, we want to remind the best three adult learning styles. They are visual, aural, and kinesthetic. So, you should design your activities accordingly.


In the chart below, you can see the best three adult learning styles and possible learning style activities for adults.

The Best Three Adult Learning Styles


In conclusion, despite having different experiences and learning styles, there are 3 ways that we consider as the best three adult learning styles. One should make it his priority to learn the best three adult learning styles whether he is learning or teaching.

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